Thursday, September 27, 2012

Steep Hills < Chicken Wings

Well, rest day has come and gone - and after putting it off for as long as I could, I finally got off my ass and went to the park to do a little sweating.

I only worked out for about 40 minutes tonight, but it wasn't endurance training I was going for. When feeling lazy, it's often best to choose efficiency as your guide. Cardio and strength training rolled into one came in the form of running up and down a very steep hill, NINE TIMES. I know, I should've gone for the big TEN - but may I remind you again that I was already feeling lazy?

I did eat really well today. Lots of fruit, a couple shakes, a chicken and brown rice bowl from Freshii - (possibly half a white chocolate & macadamia nut cookie from Starbucks, but we don't need to tell anybody about that). I must admit that I desperately miss chicken wings, and anything fried. Just the smell of the kitchen at my work sends my mouth watering and it's pretty annoying that all I can do is munch on celery and peanut butter while I'm working. Not good for the moral. Happiness often comes in the form of bacon - am I wrong?

I do feel stronger, and lighter on my feet - which will definitely help me run 21K, so I think things are going well. This is a picture of me flexing my giant muscles for you:

Tomorrow morning I will do a long run - I know, I keep saying "tomorrow I'll do a long run, bla bla bla" and then I do something like run up a hill instead.. But I mean it this time. I will long run in the morning before work and it'll be AWESOME. Just awesome. I need to get into the habit of running in the morning instead of at night because the marathon starts at 8:30 IN THE MORNING on race day. I wonder how much coffee is enough coffee to get me ready? Any suggestions?

Once again I'd like to remind you that it would mean THE WORLD if I could keep raising funds for The Renascent Foundation. So far we've raised 100$, we just need another $200 to meet our goal. Any little bit counts, so if you would like to make a donation, please click here. 

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