It has been 5 days since my last post, and I wish I could tell you that much has happened. But that would make me a liar, and I am not a liar. I am so much not a liar that I will begin this post with confession number 1: I am presently drinking a pint of Wellington IPA. Some of you may know that my day job is in fashion, working for a Toronto based menswear designer. I spent the last half of my day steaming a ton of clothes - and it was at about 7pm (whilst steaming said clothes) that I decided I was going to end my night at the pub down the street writing this blog and enjoying a beer. So sue me.
Don't forgive me yet, I have more confessions.
Sunday evening I got word that The Tragically Hip were playing a free show in Kensington market, and I got so excited I made my way over asafp. By the time I got there the show was over but a few friends were having beers in a back alley makeshift bar that blared Mexican music and also served as an art exhibit. I gave in at that very moment and - GASP - had a beer there too. We deemed the place 'Cold Mexico' and had a grand time. We then went to a tiny bar called Thirsty & Miserable and I -(confession #3) - had another beer. Needless to say, evening turned into night and I found myself at The Dakota watching my friend's band play and drinking more beers. I had a great time. I missed being out, and I know I vowed not to drink during the training - but be honest - some of you have been eagerly waiting my demise. Haven't you? Don't you lie to me folks.
What happened the following day taught me a giant lesson. I definitely vommed. And definitely had a crazy crazy migraine all day long. I also DEFINITELY WILL NOT DO THAT AGAIN - for a long while at least. Remember when I talked about my 2 day hangovers in my very first post? Yeah. There was no running, or training, or exercise of any kind yesterday. There would've been today, had I not been stuck at work until late.. And I know, I know, I could be running RIGHT NOW - but then you wouldn't have a blog post to read until tomorrow and I just can't bear to let you down any further, dear readers.
Ok, confession time is over.
I have 2 pictures for you in this post. One is the picture I took Sunday morning, when I was feeling proud of the way my body has changed over the past few weeks and the work I have done up to that point. By the way, I did run 4.5k Saturday morning, and 9.5k Friday morning. So I haven't gone completely off track. This is your gratuitous ab picture for the week, so I hope you enjoy it:
Not bad right? After a night of drinking, and likely some bad food choices combined with no exercise at all, I can tell you that I don't think it still looks like that. It's ok. It'll come back - and it'll be EVEN BETTER.
The next picture I have for you is photo evidence of my bad behavior that happened only mere hours after the above picture was taken. In it are my friends who I will blame for being bad influences (because that's a fun thing to do them) and myself. We are making the stupid duck/kissy faces that girls like to make in cell phone pictures. This is meant to make you laugh, so please do.
Tomorrow morning I am getting my hair did at 9am. I have plans to go for a quick run before hand. I'm hoping to do 5k in less than 30 minutes. The reason for this is because a. I don't have time to more than 30 minutes, and b. I need to get faster. I want to get faster. I want to run like the wind. I want to run like unicorns run - gracefully swift, and lightning fast.
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