Yesterday was the day I was DREADING all week. In fact, I dreaded it so much that yesterday was actually supposed to happen on Sunday, but I flaked out because I couldn't commit. I'm talking about The 75 Minute Run. I began my day at the gym for some jump rope, incline running on the treadmill and an ab work out. It was too nice outside to not take advantage, so later in the day I went for a long bike ride. I napped for an hour around 8pm, woke up, downed a shake and met with Zoran for our first "long run". Long doesn't even begin to describe how that run felt.
When I ran a 10k last March, it took something like 58 minutes. That was the longest I had ever run, besides on a treadmill. Last night, with an almost perfect mix of Kasabian, Radiohead and Led Zeppelin on my iPod, the first 40 minutes felt fantastic. I thought to myself "hey! you're a runner! look at you go!" and then - my shins happened.
Now I don't know if it's normal to get shin splints from running for over an hour, or if I have particularly weak shins, or if my shoes are crap, but gosh darn-it THEY HURT. In any case, Zoran and I completed or 75 minute run (a total of 9.5K), and went to my place where he microwaved a slice of bacon and promptly ate it before I even saw it come out.
Then we sat on my patio and had a cigarette. We're so smart.
I figure it's been a little over a week since I began the blog with a SCANDALOUS photo of my
I know you can't see them but I'm pretty sure there are muscles in my stomach somewhere. I felt one the other day, for a second.
It's time for my beauty sleep. Which means I'm going to yell at my T.V for a little while and likely cry at some toilet paper commercials. 'Cause that's how I get down, yo.
Too bad you've got crappy shoes AM. You should get new ones.